Monday, December 30, 2024

Reflection and Resolution: I Am Going to be Healed

Today is the last day in 2024 (in Indonesia). 

Thinking back from the very begining of the year, there were a bunch of things that has been accomplished. Praise God. Turning 50s was quite a bit energetic comparing to the previous ones (before 40s life seems to be taken for granted) when my life was surrounded by my growing up children who were my greatest motivation, just realized recerly, to all of my endeavours. This year marks a self-motivation year for me. 

It was started with parties (old and new tradition) and I got hospitalized for blood transfusion due to a low blood presure, reminding me of how precious the blood for live is and how value the days I had spent were. That awakened me to make a change to fulfill the year with something precious.

At the end of the first month I started to publish my own music to give a contribution of good music to the society. I began to compose music regularly as I have been blessed with musical talent, knowledge and skill that was not developed enough. Anyhow, I thank you guys for regularly listening to my music in Spotify, Youtube or at any other sources. For those who have not visited, please subscribe and like my channel, will you? 

The most important thing about this year was the moment I started to take a better care of my own health: body, mind, soul as these are the vital aspects of our lifetime happiness. I love to write down the idea of changing our so called 'habit' that associated with bad things into possitif practices: Netflix marathons-sleep, fast food-homemade food, toxic friends-mentors, TV-exercise, complaning-gratitude, overthinking-action, blame-responsibility. We often do not aware that we are living in a such negative state until we lose the power that we normaly have.  

As we are leaving this very memorable year, we need to make a decision in life. Will we have enough energy ahead and spend it into something positif to humanity? To live in a good state we must value our time and energy and do valuable things; those are often invisible but influencing humankind so deeply. For me, I will be going on with my resolution, to be healed wholy.  

Friday, June 21, 2024

50 Year old, Yeay

Today, I turned 50. I am blessed beyond measure. My mother-thank God she still sees me in this age, said that I was given birth around 5 pm, about the same time I was writing this notes, fifty years ago in a beautiful town Tolitoli, a clove city, surrounded by exotic white beach as the fifth child  of the family after Teddy, Evelyn, Fransisca and Harold. I have an only younger brother, the baby in the family, Green.  My late father, Hendrik Manueke, along with my grand father, a great fisherman, the late Weliam Manueke, used to take us surrounding the coastal area, whether for fishing or for picnic in our childhood.

This age feels a little different, like my mindset was opened widely; I am changed in seeing myself and other people, I know more on my strength and my happiness, and understand people better than before. I feel more self control (especially in controlling my body and mind and more patient to behave to other people). As a part of ordinary people grew up in developing country, the blessings I have had are full; things I had only dreamed of have been accomplished through the first part of 50 years of life (hopefully I would have another one): getting education, having job as a lecturer, getting married, having two wonderful children-later a lovely grand daughter coming and of course a son in law, having an international working experience in teaching and in music performing; and this year marked as the starting point of my music career as a singer, composer, and songwriter. There are works to create something value for humankind ahead.

As a lively human being, constructing plans proves that we are alive and I am happy to have another more plans coming up but all I could say is, they are going to be the bonus; a chance for me to produce extraordinary works that need to focus on and be major on.  

My little family with my mother pictured at the back of Savannah SDA Church, May 2019

As a believer, I have confidence in every human being comes on purpose, and God is in control on everything. Jeremiah writes, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart..” (Jeremiah 1:5). During the pandemic and stuff, I lost a number of people I knew well. While life keeps going, people are leaving the world sooner or later. So, the thing is, what should we do during the period of life, we do not even know what is going to happened the day after. The only thing I know is, God is the only Omniscient that we can put our trust to. I know Him by learning from other people, by experiencing Him through His words written on the Scripture; believing that He has an amazing plan to each and everyone of us. However, as a human, we have the freedom to take the opportunity or leave it. For sometimes, I tried my best to do it my way, but it seems to me that I have to submit everything to Him for He has a plan for me.